October 2, 2014, guests SHERWOOD ROSS, MICKEY Z, and OLE DAMMEGARD plus Phil Farruggio

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October 2, 2014, guests SHERWOOD ROSS, MICKEY Z, and OLE DAMMEGARD plus Phil Farruggio


Ole Dammegard

Ole had some interesting things to say about Laurel Canyon. Did our music and the whole hippie movement get hijacked by intelligence groups?


Sherwood Ross

Sherwood wondered if mass arrests are planned to consolidate totalitarian power in America. He cited the purchases (in bulk) of weapons and ammunition by the Postal Service, Department of Education, Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Department of Homeland Security 1.6 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition and 7,000 fully-automatic 5.56x45mm NATO ‘personal defense weapons’.


It’s the Empire, Stupid with Phil Farrugio

In this new segment our regular columnist Phil Farruggio presents his thoughts on a different topic every week.

Mickey Z

Mickey and I discussed the contrast between U.S. reaction to the “Occupy” movement in Hong Kong and and here at home. We also talked about the actions in NYC last month and the need for long term involvement in order to create real change.


Chuck Gregory and Mike Palecek

I opened with an old Doors song, “The War is Over”, and then talked about the 100,000 poets for change event that Lorraine and I attended the previous week. Mike and I did an assortment of segments:

    • Chicken Little Says …
    • Sitting On The Floor At Ward Cleaver’s Feet, Listening To Ward Cleaver
    • On Babushka Kalashnikov’s Korner: The View From My Piroshki Kart
    • Our new sponsor, “Really Crappy Deal”
    • Uncle Bill’s Front Porch
    • Milk Duds Last Forever
    • News: from James Tracy on the Kennedy Assassination
    • some notes we have been receiving

from listeners … by email, chat room, telephone, telepathy and telegraph

    • Dewey Finn on Americans being contented serfs
    • Ned Schneebly: By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy
    • Francis Mulcahy: The West is striking again; it is stabbing the very center, the heart of the Arab World
    • Larry Sanders: You don’t need to be a Georgetown graduate of the diplomatic killing corps or a rocket scientist or some overpaid pig of entertainment journalism or pundit or war hero or black president or a member of the publishing class to understand what bombing Syria and Iraq and any other country means to the military and civilian murder machine
  • The News from Mt. Liberty, where Lori is helping Charlie Johnson escape the asylum. She tells him they are scared of him because he has the courage to speak out. She gets him to read to her one of his most effective letters to the editor.

Mickey Z

Mickey Z is a monthly columnist, appearing the first week of each month. Born and raised in Astoria, Queens, Mickey Zessima has been a vegan since 1995 and is probably the only person on the planet to have appeared in both a political book with Noam Chomsky and a karate flick with Billy Blanks. Armed […]

Philip Farruggio

Phil is a weekly guest on our show. Philip A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a free lance columnist (found on WorldNewsTrust.com, TheSleuthJournal.com, Information Clearing house, Op Ed News, Dandelion Salad, Activist Post, Dissident Voice and many other sites worldwide). Philip works as an environmental products sales rep and […]

Sherwood Ross

Sherwood Ross was one of our first guests, and he was a monthly columnist from 2011 to 2016. Sherwood has retired from public view, and we miss him very much. His slot was taken over by another of our earliest guests, Ava Bird. Sherwood Ross has worked for the Chicago News Service, also as a […]

Chuck Gregory

Co-founder and co-host of the show, Chuck lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with his wife Lorraine and assorted exotic pets. He was fortunate to attend Friends Central School in the late ’60s to hone the already strong core beliefs instilled in him by his parents Wayne Lawrence and Marjorie Mock Gregory. His education continued at […]

Mike Palecek

Co-founder and co-host of the show, Mike Palecek is a writer who lives in Saginaw, Minnesota, west of Duluth. He is a former federal prisoner for peace; was the Iowa Democratic Party candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, 5th District in the 2000 election, gaining 65,000 votes on an anti-war platform in a conservative […]