August 27, 2020

The New American Dream Radio Show
The New American Dream Radio Show
August 27, 2020

I opened by dedicating this show to Rob Smith in honor of his birthday. I sang “You’ve Got to be Taught” since it was part of “South Pacific” which opened in Rob’s birthday year, and also because its ironic look at the origins of racism are just as relevant today as in 1949. I introduced a new guest, poet Lin Mouton, who shared two wonderful poems with us: “White Privilege” and “While Black”. These are modern artistic expressions demonstrating just how much social injustice is still happening in 2020. Following Lin I introduced my earlier recorded interview with regular monthly guest Mike Bond. Mike and I ended up talking more about music than social issues, although he did stress the importance of living our lives in the best way possible – helping others whenever possible, being present with family and loved ones, and spreading love in the world. Only the first part of the interview with Mike Bond made it out during the live show, but I have patched it into this recording.

The second part as usual featured Philip Farruggio, who read his column D & D Amerika. We had an interesting conversation afterward, with quite a few jokes since humor seems to be the only way to deal with what’s happening in 2020.

For the third segment I introduced Michael Annis, who started by sharing his outrage over Kenosha, culminating in a quote from Cost of Freedom: “After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy…”. He proceeded to read the first part of his poem, “Weapons of Mass Distraction,” which he will continue over his next two appearances on the 4th Thursday of September and August.

The final segment had my earlier interview with Frank Cordaro of the Des Moines Catholic Worker and the recorded column from Julius Awafong, our columnist from Yaounde, Cameroon. I closed the show as I used to by singing “Universal Soldier”.

Frank Cordaro

Frank is a weekly guest on our show. Frank Cordaro is a member of the Des Moines Catholic Worker. He is a former Catholic Priest. He has himself spent years and years in federal prison for crossing the line at Offutt, and more recently has been jailed for actions against the drone facility in Des […]

Julius Awafong


Julius Awafong is a volunteering monthly columnist for the New American Dream Radio Show since 2011, and appears the fourth week of each month. Julius lives in Cameroon and is fluent in English and French (and does some translation). This analyst of divided societies received his Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of […]

Michael Annis

Michael is a monthly columnist who appears in the fourth week of each month. He is currently taking a leave of absence but we expect to have him back soon. MICHAEL ANNIS—poet, writer, playwright, radio commentator, founder & senior editor of Howling Dog Press—has published many of the world’s modern giants of fiction, drama, poetry […]

Mike Bond

Mike Bond is a American novelist, ecologist, war and human rights journalist, and poet. Bond has been called the “master of the existential thriller” by the BBC and “one of the 21st century’s most exciting authors” by the Washington Times. A bestselling novelist, environmental activist, advisor to U.S. and foreign governments, international energy expert, war and human rights correspondent and […]

Philip Farruggio

Phil is a weekly guest on our show. Philip A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a free lance columnist (found on,, Information Clearing house, Op Ed News, Dandelion Salad, Activist Post, Dissident Voice and many other sites worldwide). Philip works as an environmental products sales rep and […]

Chuck Gregory

Co-founder and co-host of the show, Chuck lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with his wife Lorraine and assorted exotic pets. He was fortunate to attend Friends Central School in the late ’60s to hone the already strong core beliefs instilled in him by his parents Wayne Lawrence and Marjorie Mock Gregory. His education continued at […]