Sep 1, 2017 | Weekly
A proud South Florida native, Rachel “Flow Diva” Finley has represented the state as an award winning spoken word artist at regional, national and international poetry slams. Flow Diva is a founding member of the renowned poets’ collective, Chaos...
Aug 16, 2015 | Weekly
Phil is a weekly guest on our show. Philip A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a free lance columnist (found on,, Information Clearing house, Op Ed News, Dandelion Salad, Activist Post, Dissident...
Aug 16, 2015 | Weekly
Frank is a weekly guest on our show. Frank Cordaro is a member of the Des Moines Catholic Worker. He is a former Catholic Priest. He has himself spent years and years in federal prison for crossing the line at Offutt, and more recently has been jailed for actions...